January 19, 2012

3-D Shapes

Check out what we made today!

Here is a cool song we learned about shapes as well.

MLK, Jr.

The students loved learning about Martin Luther King and the wonderful things he did for our country. I loved how these portraits turned out.  They are such good artist!

This is a great clip from youtube which helps explain the life, triumphs and tribulations of MLK, Jr.


January 1, 2012

Pirate of the Day

Pirate of the day is a great interactive writing activity we share in room 113.  A new pirate is chosen every day; they tell us what is important to them and information we may not know.  We always spell the popcorn words correctly, because these are words we should know.  The students help me stretch the other words and to listen to the sounds.  My friends use sound gestures and I choose a friend to share the letter that makes the sound.  When we are finished writing about the pirate, everyone goes for a popcorn word hunt.  Once we have found all the popcorn words, we count them and discuss how to build that number.  The pirate gets to illustrate a picture at the bottom of the chart while the other students make connections and write a message for the pirate.  Each pirate gets thier own book full of the messages other friends wrote. 

My Thankful Little Turkeys

This turned out to be a really cute activity for all my little friends. They made handprint turkeys and used a sentence strip to add thier interactive writing activity for the week. Voila, you have a personalized placemat!